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Oxford Trip! A Summary:


On June 1st, our students went on a trip to Oxford University.

Here’s a look at some of our students and the lush scenery on the journey there.

Our students visited Oxford University’s Bodleian Library. It was founded in 1602 and is one of the world’s oldest libraries and contains over 13 million printed items and books.

One of the most memorable of the trip was punting in the river after a long hot day of walking through the city.

This trip was a great way for our hardworking students at the OE Tuition centre to relax from their exams in the year in preparation for secondary school whilst also exploring future prospects of a potential university.

There will be more trips to universities across the UK in the future to look forward to! Keep your eyes peeled.


OE Tuition is up and running at 276 Picton Road.

We provide online tuition in a range of academic courses including: Maths, English and Science in 11+, GCSE and A-Level as well as providing a range of opportunities such as our Oxford trip and movie watchalongs.



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OE supports 'A2B OE' registered charity number: 1196440

OE Centre Address: 276 Picton Road, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 4LP

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